Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Hästscenen del III

Okay, här är finalen. Ganska kort, sådär. Och det var allt för denna gång :-)

Utdrag ur Legacy
copyright Linda Govik, 2007

Léan held Samil’s head, patted the silken nose, and felt the fast, hot blowing of his breath against her palm. While Jacob put the gun to the spot right behind the animal’s ear, adjusting the barrel to find the cleanest angle, she kissed the smooth skin, looked into the black, sad eyes and whispered to him that he’d be okay, that it would soon be over. Then, very gently, Jacob urged her to stand back.

She stood rigid next to him, hands over her eyes, sobbing violently, trying to close out the sound of the shot – but nevertheless, it exploded in her ears, so strong it made her jolt, and rang out in vibrating, nauseating pulses. After he’d made sure the animal was truly gone and everything was over, Jacob put his arms around her, caressing her back, mumbling low words of comfort in her ear. They stood like that for a long while, silently clinging on to eachother, shielding out reality – but sensing it in the wind, bearing with it the faint lingering smell of gunpowder and warm blood.

When the crying finally subsided and she released herself from Jacob's embrace, she thought – and hoped – the earl would already be gone, and that he’d left them to mourn on their own. He hadn’t. He stood where he had before, in the halo of the lantern, silently watching them. Blond hair glowing, eyes glimmering with frost, he reminded her of an angel.

“We’ll remove the carcass tomorrow morning,” he said, his voice surprisingly mild. “I’m going to bed now. I suggest you do to.”

They watched him, as he walked across the lawn toward the house, brisk steps crunching against frozen ground. With a deep sigh, Jacob put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it tight.

“You’re freezing, Léan,” he said, leaning his lips against her hair. “And you’re exhausted. Come. Share my bed tonight. I think you’ll be needing it.”

“You will too,” she whispered.

He glanced toward the lawn, but it lay empty, the earl having disappeared behind the house gable. “Yes,” he said, his voice thoughtful. “I think I will.”

Hand still on her shoulder, as if he was afraid she’d disappear if he let go, he lead her to his house.


Anonymous said...

Hej! Intressant blogg. Din engelska är ju perfekt, jag undrar hur det känns för dig att skriva på annat språk än svenska ... har du någon i familjen som är engelsk eller har du pluggat massa eller hur funkar det? Jag är helsvensk men har bott i England i 4 år och nu försöker jag mig på att skriva en roman på engelska och det går bra, men jag fasar för den dagen en engelsman kommer att läsa och hitta massa fel ... Tacksam om du har någon insikt i detta dilemma. Titta in på min blogg när du har tid. Kram från Lollo

Linda G said...

Tack :-)

Jag har faktiskt svarat på din fråga (tror jag *host*) på min andra blogg

Kika in, vet jag!

Och kan du länka till din blogg? När jag klickade på ditt namn här på din kommentar (måste ju springa över och kolla!) blev det visst inget? Jag ÄR redan inne och lurkar på en blogg som skrivs av en viss Lollo -- men har ingen aaaaaaning om det är DU *skrattar*.